About Us
Since 1998, Scientific has been providing translation, editing, copyediting, proofreading, and formatting services for the health sciences in Brazilian Portuguese and English. The umbrella name Scientific comprises two corporate entities—one focused on text production (Scientific Linguagem) and one focused on editorial projects (Editora Scientific). Our work involves:
- Support in the preparation of scientific manuscripts for submission to specialized journals, including textual adjustment (translation, copyediting, proofreading, or editing), formatting according to journal guidelines, reference management, coordination of submission, and support in responding to journal editors and reviewers.
- Proofreading, copyediting, translation, editing, standardization, and preparation (formatting) of protocols, guidelines, reports, and institutional texts in the context of the health sciences.
- Editorial assistance covering administrative support, translation, copyediting, proofreading, and text standardization. Clients include the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, Journal of the Foot & Ankle, Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences, Geriatrics, Geriatrics, Gerontology and Ageing and Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho.
Our team members are text specialists (translators, journalists, librarians), administrative staff, and partners with training in medicine, statistics, epidemiology, graphic design, and administrative assistance (for specific projects).
What we do
Language Editing

Editing involves rewriting or restructuring content with the identification of gaps in the logical expression of ideas. Editing can be done both during the translation process and from a text already written in the target language.
In the case of scientific articles, the source text (for example, in Brazilian Portuguese) is often discarded after the translation, with the target text (for example, in English) becoming the original content. In these cases, translation accompanied by editing may be the most advantageous process.
Editing requires authors to play an active role and includes at least two rounds of textual adjustment.
Scientific specializes in translating manuscripts, protocols, guidelines, reports, and institutional texts, among others, from and into Brazilian Portuguese, English, and Spanish.


The work of our copy editors and proofreaders is guided by standard dictionaries, grammar books, and style manuals. The team also works together to develop checklists which are updated periodically and can be adapted for specific projects.
Proofed texts are delivered in two versions, with and without tracked changes. The usual workflow involves proofing, delivery, client check and approval, with an adjustment round if required.
Manuscript preparation means formatting a file according to the requirements of each specific journal: font type and size, spacing, word or character counts, author information and forms, references, tables, figures, and supplementary materials. Reference libraries can also be assembled upon request.


Talk to us
Questions, estimates, comments? Please send an email to artigos@scientific.com
For ESTIMATES, enter the number of words to be reviewed, edited or translated. Also inform if you would like to receive a quote for formatting and submission and the name of the journal of interest.